Will y Carlton (beat box)

Uno de los momentos estelares de El Principe de Bel-Air:

Will y su primo Carlton la fastidian con Ashley, y para pedirle disculpas le montan un pequeño teatrillo musical estilo “beat box” [es]. Además de no servir de mucho, al final –para variar- a Carlton le cuesta un poco volver a la realidad :)))

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Más o menos:

“1, 2, 3, Hey Ashley!”
“Will and Carlton are sooorry”
“Hey kitty cat, hey kitty cat, hey kitty cat, help-help me out!”
“We care about you very much!”
“PLE-ple-ple-ple-ple-ple-ple-please forgiiive us!”
“I think it worked! I think she is feeling muuuuuch better!”
I think you’ve been smoking a little bit too much of that cat nip
“Hey! You take that back!”
Carlton: It’s over
“It’s not over! What does it mean it’s over?! Can't be over! …”